Indonesian Ulema Council give attention to the MLM business in
Indonesia by decree would mlm business traits can be accounted for in
the Shari'ah .COMMISSION DECISION CONFERENCE FATWA FATWA MUI BANDUNGNumber : 291/MUI-KB/E.1/VIIAbout LAW BUSINESS MLM / NETWORK MARKETINGDeliberation Bandung MUI Fatwa Commission that discuss MLM Business Law , afterCONSIDERING :
a. increasingly wide range of products of a company that was sold to the public with a MLM system .
b.Bahwa therefore , Bandung MUI fatwa deemed necessary to decide on the legal issue in question.NOTING :
a. The questions from people about the legal status of the MLM business .b . Opinions and suggestions of the participants Ulama deliberation .WHEREAS :
1 . Problem Description as follows : In simple terms , that themarketing of a product from a company there are two kinds of ways :